Legislation CWCP tracked during Colorado’s 73rd General Assembly, which convened on January 9, 2023 and adjourned on May 8, 2023:
CWCP Position: Neutral. We expect amendments to limit the impact on the Keep Colorado Wild Pass Revenues.
The bill creates the state park and wildlife area access grant program (program), which reimburses local governments for access route maintenance, construction, service, and operational work resulting from people visiting state parks and wildlife areas. The program is administered by the division of parks and wildlife (division) and the parks and wildlife commission (commission).
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CWCP Position: Amend. CWCP is working on amendments that will provide protections for hunting, and sporting organizations that raffle off firearms at banquets.
Current law limits product liability actions against manufacturers of firearms and ammunition to situations in which there was a defect in the design or manufacture of a firearm or ammunition. The bill repeals that limitation.
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CWCP Position: Amend. CWCP is working on limiting the impacts to the hunting and recreational shooting community.
Concerning increasing the legal age for certain conduct related to a firearm, and, in connection therewith, increasing the legal age to purchase, possess, sell, or transfer a firearm.
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CWCP Position: Support
The bill creates the wolf depredation compensation fund (fund) to compensate landowners and agricultural producers for depredation of livestock and working animals by wolves. For the 2023-24 state fiscal year, the state treasurer is directed to transfer $175,000 from the general fund to the fund, and for each state fiscal year thereafter, the state treasurer is directed to transfer $350,000 from the general fund to the fund.
CWCP Position: Support
The bill prohibits the introduction of gray wolves into an area if
the United States secretary of the interior has not made a final determination as to whether the gray wolf population in the area is experimental, which gives the state greater flexibility to manage the wolves.
CWCP Position: Neutral. CWCP was engaged in amending the bill to limit implications for hunting and recreational shooting.
The bill creates the nontoxic bullet replacement program (program) that will allow hunters to exchange:
Hunting rounds that have lead bullets with hunting rounds that have nonlead bullets; or
Reloading or muzzle-loader lead bullets with nonlead bullets.
The bill sets standards for taking advantage of the program.
The division of parks and wildlife (division) is directed to designate an entity to:
Educate the public about the benefits of nontoxic bullets; and
Publicize the program to hunters, including using hunting brochures and the division's website.
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CWCP Position: Amend. CWCP has worked on amendments to exclude hunting.
Under existing law, a board of county commissioners (board) may designate unincorporated areas of a county where it is unlawful to discharge firearms (designated area) , except the board may not prohibit discharge of firearms in shooting galleries, on private grounds, or in residences under circumstances that do not endanger persons or property. A designated area must have an average population density of 100 persons or more per square mile.
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CWCP Position: No official position yet.
The bill defines the term "assault weapon" and prohibits a person from manufacturing, importing, purchasing, selling, offering to sell, or transferring ownership of an assault weapon. The bill further prohibits a person from possessing a rapid-fire trigger activator. A violation is a class 2 misdemeanor.
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